Access Report Wizard




Estudiante Student Tracking Software

 Enrolling Students for a new year


  Rtn FAQ


There are several tasks that you will need to perform at the beginning of each school year.  This is an overview of those task.  For detailed instructions see the following documents:

In ADE/SAIS the fiscal years are separate objects except for SAIS ID and Student Personal Information. In other words, the only information carried over from one year to the next year is the students SAIS ID and  demographics. What this means for enrollment is that you must enroll the student again in the fall with a new start date, E code and type. You do NOT withdraw the student at the end of each, but rather you submit a "Summer Withdrawal" transaction to ADE/SAIS for students who do not return.

1.      The calendar must be set up in both the ADE Common Logon and Estudiante.   For details on calendar click Calendar

1.      For the Common Logon define a "New Year" calendar at the school level (as opposed to the District Level) and set the calendar Track No.  Note: beginning in 2004 the selected trackno must be 4 or less. Note: Prior to 2004 the SAIS TrackNo must equal to the CalendarID used in Estudiante but this is no longer the case (you will relate Estudiante and SAIS by entering "Track No SAIS" in your calendar definition  -- see step 2 below).

2.      In Estudiante the calendar definition includes a new field called "SAIS TrackNo" where you can enter the SAIS Calendar (TrackNo) that matches the Estudiante Calendar.


2.      Track Definition: Before starting enrollment you must enter Estudiante  tracks for the new year. You will need to set up a Track for each grade level you are teaching (or however you wish to group your students). For US and UE this would be a single track. Note: Estudiante tracks allow you to group together students who share parameters like grade, minimum instruction and method of tracking attendance.

FY 2009 ADE will no longer allow Track No = 0.  This should not be a problem with Estudiante as the  field "Track No SAIS"  will be defined when you create your calendar on Common Log On---I don't think they will allow it.

3.      Set Grade Level for New Year.

 In Estudiante Student Information change the Grade to the grade the student will be in the new school year i.e. promote the student. I have not automated this yet so will need to manually make the change. Update:  If you use the batch method of Year End Status submission the grade will be changed automatically for students who are promoted.      New FY 2009 use the batch method of updating  Next Year Grade Level - see GradeLevelAdj.htm.

4.      Student Enrollment

Pre Enrollment: Although SAIS does not allow enrollment of a student before the individual attends class, ˇEstudiante! does allow for pre-enrollment. This allows the school to enter student enrollment information into the local database prior to the first day of school and later, when the student shows up for class, the enrollment can be submitted to SAIS.

·        Select the new year from the Fiscal Year dropdown.

·         click on Show New Record to open up a new row to enter the new enrollment.

5.      On the new record:

·        From the dropdown select the track for the students grade for the new year.

·        Enter the Start Date, E code and "type".

6.      This is all you need to do until the student shows up for instruction.

7.      When the student shows up for class you will click on Save. Click on "Format for SAIS" and continue with the normal SAIS submissions