Access Report Wizard




Estudiante Student Tracking Software

 Summer Withdrawal Transaction(018)


  Rtn FAQ


Subject: Summer Withdrawal Transactions

Summer Withdrawal Transaction Form

 At the beginning of each school year you must submit this transaction for each "expected student" who does not show up for classes at your school.  For elementary schools this will be students who were in attendance at your school on the last day of school for the previous school year.  For middle and high schools this could be a student from a "feeder school".  See "Feeder Schools" later in this article.

You get to this transaction from the Main Menu/ Student Information/Summer Withdrawal Transaction. 

This form is similar to other transaction forms, but is simpler.  Simple because there is only a single record for each SummerWD transaction. 

Fill in the fields: OpCode, W/Draw Code, W/Draw Date, New Grade-Level and CTDS of previous school (normally will be your school).  The WithDrawal Reason is optional and normally is left blank.  As per usual you next click on the "Format for SAIS" button.  The transaction will be saved in the SAIS step 1 buffer.

Starting in FY 2009 you are able to update the student Status field from this form---rather than later going to student information and updating student status.  You should change the status to "SummerWdraw" as shown in the following screen dump.

See FAQ for rules for filling in this form.
See ReasonCode for explanation.

 Display Transaction

There is a new button (which you will begin to see on several forms) labeled "Display Transaction".  As you might guess this button allows you to inspect the transaction after Formatting.

Feeder Schools

Summer Withdrawals require inputting the school the student attended the previous year.  No problem for students returning to your own school, but when the student is coming from a feeder-school it requires looking up the CTDS of that school.  To facilitate the inputting of this CTDS data I have added a table (tblFeederSchools).  You set this from Main Menu /User Defined/School Info.  You can input the names and CTDS numbers.... as a minimum enter your own name and CTDS.  This data will show up in a dropdown on the SummerWD transaction form and should be a labor saver when you have multiple students from the same school.

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Frequently asked questions regarding summer withdrawal

Following are frequently asked questions regarding how summer withdrawals are assigned to a student.


Q1.  Reporting School.  To which school is the summer withdrawal attributed?

A.    The school that should have received the student in the new school year reports the summer withdrawal.


Q2.  Date:  What date should be used on the transaction?

A.    The summer withdrawal date is the date on which the withdrawal activity occurred.  For those dates that are uncertain, e.g., no-shows, the school should identify the activity date as near as possible.  The summer withdrawal date must be at least one day before the first day of the new school year.  It should also be at least one day after the last day of the previous school year at the "sending" school, but this validation will not be done:  in cases where two schools are involved, the receiving school might not have the same calendar as the sending school. 


        Note:  Student Summer Withdrawal, as is the case with language assessments, is one of only two transaction types that will allow activities that occur in one fiscal year to be counted in another fiscal year.  For example, summer withdrawals that occur after the end of school for FY 2001-2002, but before July 1st of 2002, will be reported with the data for FY 2002-2003, as illustrated in the diagram in section Timeline of Summer Withdrawals earlier in this chapter.


Q3.  Grade:  To what grade should the summer withdrawal be attributed?

A.    The grade this summer withdrawal should be attributed to is the student's intended grade for the new school year at this school.  "Intended grade" is the grade that the school would have placed the student in had he begun membership in the new year.


Q4. School Year:  To which school year will ADE attribute the summer withdrawal for the Year End Enrollment report?

A.   The summer withdrawal will be attributed to the school year immediately following the summer break containing the reported Summer Withdrawal Date.


Q5.  Due Date:  What is the due date for this information to ADE?

A.    No later than May 31st, to allow for enough time for submitters to correct errors.

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Withdrawal Reason Codes

Beginning with the 2004-05 school year, SAIS users are required by legislation to capture and report the new student level element Withdrawal Reason Code.  Withdrawal Reasons are a secondary reason for the withdrawal (the primary reason being the Withdrawal Activity Code).  Withdrawal Reasons are optional, and will not apply to the great majority of students who withdraw from school prior to the last scheduled day of session. 

There will be no ADM funding impact related to the Withdrawal Reason Codes.

Since the validity of Withdrawal Reason Code depends on elements that can be changed in other transactions,

the validation is not done here in Transaction Processing, but later in Integrity Checking Processing.

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