Access Report Wizard




Estudiante Student Tracking Software

Enrolled Estimate Report and File


  Rtn FAQ


 Microsoft Access report writer ad-hoc report generator Overview

This is a report of estimated enrollment as of "selected date".  It gathers information on:

There are two outputs

This report can be run for any school day of the year, but will always be used for generating June Enrolled Estimate.

The June 15th district and charter apportionment will be based on the Membership, Special Education Service Participation and ELL Program Participation data that reside in SAIS at 4:00 PM on May 27, 2008. Any data affecting calculations for district growth or state aid forcharter schools submitted after May 27, but prior to 4:00 PM on June 30, 2008, will be subject to



In the following instructions click on the screenshot images for expanded views of the screenshots.

To start go to Main Menu/State Reports/June Enrolled Estimate and double click.

Report Switchboard---select parameter for report.

  1. Select Calendar- This will populate the Fiscal Year box and the list of school days
  2. Date. Enter or select from list of of school days. For June Enrollment Estimate this will be the last school day.
  3. Assure that the Student Next Year Grade Level for all students has been set to the grade level that the student will enter at beginning of next year.

  4. Click on Preview Report to get a list of students that are enrolled on selected date.
  5. Create File in format for uploading to SAIS.  Be sure that data is correct using the preview report,

After you have viewed the paper report you can create a file to be uploaded to ADE with all your June Enroll Estimate data.

  1. Enter the file parameters.
  2. Click on "
To the left is a sample copy of the report that is generated.

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