Access Report Wizard




Estudiante Student Tracking Software

Grade Level Adjust- Next Year



  Rtn FAQ


 Microsoft Access report writer ad-hoc report generator Overview

This function provides an automatic-batch updating of Next Year Grade Level (NextYrGrade) by increment the current Grade Level (GradeLevelCd) for students enrolled on last day of school.



In the following instructions click on the screenshot images for expanded views of the screenshots.

To start go to Main Menu/State Reports/Next Year Grade Level Increment and double click.

Use the form shown to the left  to set the grade level the student will be attending the following year.

  1. Select Calendar- This will populate the Date box and the list of students enrolled on last day of school.. Date box will automatically show the date of last day of school.  Last day of school is used to determine students enrolled on that date.
  2. From the list box on right side of form select the students whose records are to be incremented by one grade level from current Grade.
    1. Normally you use the use the "Select All" button.
    2. You can selectively select by holding down the Control Key while clicking on students name.  You can also select a range of students by holding down the shift key while clicking on first and last selection.
    3. For students that are remaining in same Grade Level you would use the "Select All" and then deselect those that are not moving to next Grade Level.  Deselect by  holding down the Control Key while clicking on students name.
  3. Click on "Update Next Yr Grade Level" button.  This will modify the students record by updating the field NextYrGrade.
  4. Notice that if you return to this form the NextYrGrd column will show the modified value.  Of course, before running this procedure the column may reflect previous year value.
  5. The NextYrGrade field can also be manually edited directly from the Student Information form by changing the Next Year Grade Level field.



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