Access Report Wizard




Estudiante Student Tracking Software

Submitting Student Assessment Transactions
No longer used FY2009 forward


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From FY09 forward, Transaction 12, Language Assessment will no longer be accepted by ADE. Please see "ELL Assessment Integration" supporting document that describe the new process.

Assessment events confirm or refute a student's presumed need. This transaction is independent of need. At this time, only assessment events related to the language need must be tracked, although in the future this transaction could be used to submit assessment information pertaining
to any need in any need group.

To obtain the latest specifications  go to SAIS Information Page and select ADE publication "Transaction Overview" 


In the following instructions click on the screenshot images for expanded views of the screenshots.

To start go to main menu/Needs

Double click on "Student Assessment Transaction (012)"


The form on the left is used for entering Student Assessment transaction

• The Student Assessment transaction is designed to capture data concerning assessments administered to a
student in order to identify a language need.

There are the steps for Estudiante transactions

  1. Enter the Assessment information in the "Assessment Data Entry" section as shown in the upper screen shot.  Click on "Save".
  2. Click on the "Assess  Transaction" to view the transaction that that you saved above.  Then click on "Format 2 SAIS" button.
  3. At this point you will have created the transaction in buffer waiting for submitting to SAIS.  Click on "Go Write File" to view and submit your transaction
  4. Op Code.  May be (A)dd, (C)hange or (D)elete

• Changing Elements

The following elements may be changed using this transaction with a "change" operation.
     • Assessment Result Code
     • Assessment Score


Click on Print button for a report of the assessments for this student.  The report at left show the information that will be contained in  the report.

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Assessment rules

 The instructions below were copied from ADE web site----For FY 2007 go to

and scroll down to the "Language Needs" section.

See also Rules Description


Student Assessment

As stated earlier in the introduction to this Language Needs chapter, assessment events confirm or refute a student's presumed need. This transaction is independent of need. At this time, only assessment events related to the language need must be tracked, although in the future this transaction could be used to submit assessment information pertaining to any need in any need group.

Assessment rules:

1. Each student in a language program must have an assessment administered within the current or past fiscal year of the start date of that program. Because assessments and programs are not submitted simultaneously, this validation will be done not here in transaction processing but later in the Integrity Checking Process.

2. For each student in a language program, the most recent assessment at a school must demonstrate that the student is in need of language program assistance. Because assessments and programs are not submitted simultaneously, this validation will be done not here in transaction processing but later in the Integrity Checking Process.

3. The date on the assessment transaction should be the date the assessment was performed.

4. This assessment data only has to be submitted to SAIS once, unlike other needs-related data that must be resubmitted every fiscal year in which the student still has an active need and participation in a program or service.

5. An assessment for a child will not necessarily fall into the same school year as when a child receives services for a need. For instance, many children are given language assessments in Spring in preparation for services that will be provided to them in the upcoming school year starting that Fall. Normally, SAIS requires all transactions in a single submission file to pertain to a single fiscal year. However, to accommodate the possible cross-fiscal-year situation with Assessments, SAIS will accept a file containing Student Assessment transactions for the fiscal year specified in the header and for one fiscal year earlier than that specified in the header. This exception is for

Student Assessment transactions only.

6. Assessments may be administered on non-school days.

7. As noted later in the Element Optionality section:

Prior to FY05, Assessment Result Code was a required field. Beginning FY05 it is optional because assessments now reflect sub-tests of assessments rather than the entire assessment (see Code Values document, table Assessment Method). As such, a final result might not be available when a sub-test is reported to SAIS. SAIS will retain on the database the most recent valid Assessment Result Code reported to SAIS. NOTE: SAIS will not remove a valid Assessment Result Code on the database if a transaction is submitted with a blank Assessment Result Code.

8. The assessment does not have to be done at the school giving the services, however each LEA serving a student in a Language Program should test the child at least once each fiscal year.

 Rule Description

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Rule Description

Each student participating in a language program must have an assessment the most recent of which demonstrates that the student is in need of language program assistance. Such language assessments may be administered in any public or charter school in the State within the current or previous fiscal year of the start date of the corresponding language program participation. Because assessments and programs are not submitted simultaneously, this validation will be done not here in transaction processing but later in the Integrity Checking Process.

The date on the assessment transaction should be the date the assessment was performed. An assessment for a child will not necessarily fall into the same school year as when a child receives services for a need.  For instance, many children are given language assessments in Spring in preparation for services that will be provided to them in the upcoming school year starting that Fall.  Normally, SAIS requires all transactions in a single submission file to pertain to a single fiscal year.  However, to accommodate the possible cross-fiscal-year situation with Assessments, SAIS will accept a file containing Student Assessment dates for the fiscal year specified in the header and for one fiscal year earlier than that specified in the header.  This exception applies to the Student Assessment transaction

Because assessment methods used during FY04 and previously are different than those which will be instituted for FY05 and beyond, certain of the assessment transaction validations applied in FY05 will be programmed to allow a measure of flexibility. They are:

a)    Assessment codes (assessment methods) used during and prior to FY04 will continue to be accepted if the corresponding assessment date is on or before June 30, 2004.

b)    Assessment codes new for FY05 (Arizona Language Assessment) will be accepted if the corresponding assessment date is on or after July 1, 2004.

c)    The assessment result code will be a required field if the corresponding assessment date is on or before June 30, 2004; whereas if the assessment date is on or after July 1, 2004, the assessment result code will be optional.

d)    SAIS will retain on the database the most recent valid Assessment Result Code reported to SAIS.  SAIS will not remove a valid Assessment Result Code on the database if a transaction is submitted with a blank Assessment Result Code

The assessment score (scale score) will be a required field if the corresponding assessment date is on or after July 1, 2004. Otherwise it will be optional.


An ELL student must be reassessed for possible reclassification at least once per year. Such reassessments are administered to determine if an ELL student has developed the English language skills necessary to succeed in the English language curricula.

Evaluation of fluent English proficient (FEP) students after exit from ELL programs will be monitored in SAIS using pseudo assessment transactions. Assessment result code of “Continuing FEP” and assessment score of ‘999’ will be captured to flag the student as having exited the ELL program.

Assessments may be administered on non-school days.

The assessment does not have to be done at the school giving the services

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