Access Report Wizard




Estudiante Student Tracking Software

SPED Service Participation(014)


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NEW: Starting FY 2009 all SPED services must be exited.  Schools must submit a SPED Service Participation transaction(14) with  an exit reason code and withdrawal date.  Previously SPED students were not required to be withdrawn from service participation.

To facilitate adding these SPED Exits at the end of the school year a new batch procedure is available--- see "SPED Exit by Batch"



 Purpose of SPED Service Participation Transaction

The SPED Service Participation Transaction(014) applies to needs associated with the special education need group only. (See Table 1 for relevant needs.)

The SPED Service Participation (014) transaction is designed to capture the following situations.

Uses of the SPED Service Participation transaction

  1. Initial diagnosis indicating that student has a Need and the student has been placed in a Service. If a SPED
    Service Participation transaction is received with no previous Need established, SAIS will create one.
    • An "add" operation to submit Service entry. If the specified Need was not previously added for this student for
    the school year, the need will be added automatically.
  2. Transfer to a different Service while staying in current Need.
    • A "change" operation to submit Service exit for the previously submitted Service
    • An "add" operation to submit Service entry for the new Service
  3. Re-diagnosis indicating that student no longer has a previously submitted Need.
    • A "change" operation to submit the Service Exit Reason Code and Exit Date.  See table for allowable reason codes - See mid-year codes.
  4. Diagnosis or re-diagnosis indicating that in addition to the previously submitted Need, the student has another
    Need and has been placed in a Service.
    • An "add" operation to submit the new Need entry and Service entry.
  5. Re-diagnosis indicating that student Need has changed relative to the previously submitted Need: the student no
    longer has the previous Need but instead has a new one.
    • A "change" operation to submit exit from the previously submitted Service
    • An "add" operation to submit entry to the new Need (and Service if the student has already started receiving a
    Service for the new Need).
  6. To delete a SPED Service Participation submitted in error to SAIS.
    • A "delete" operation to delete the Service Participation. If there are no other services attached to this need for
    this student for the school year, SAIS will automatically remove the need for this student.
  7. New FY 2009:  Use this transaction to terminate service at end of school year.  For allowable reason codes - See End of Year codes.



In the following instructions click on the screenshot images for expanded views of the screenshots.

To start go to main menu/Needs

Double click on "SPED Service Participation (014)

The form on the left is used for entering SPED Service Participation transaction. Refer to the Overview above for rules to filling out this form.

This transaction applies to needs associated with the special education need group only. (See Table 1 for relevant needs.)

• Start by selecting school calendar and student name.  After calendar selection the list box on right side of screen will contain all school day for your conveniences

  • Make sure the "Transactions" tab is selected. Fill in appropriate fields as follows:
  • Op Code will normally be Add.  Use the Change and/or Delete options as needed.
  • Fill in Need and Start Date of that Need.
  • Check Primary Need if it applies --see Primary Fed Need
  • Select the SPED Service Code.  Beginning in FY 2008 the service codes have changed--see Service Codes.  For compatibility with earlier years codes two entry drop downs are used.  For making corrections to past years data use the lower drop down.
  • Service Exit - for service previously submitted to SAIS. 
    • Enter date student exited the service.
    • Select an Exit Reason.
    • Use "Change" Op Code. Note: transaction will already exist on SAIS.
  • Select student grade level. 
  • Select SAIS Track Number from the drop down.  The FY will be automatically filled in.
  • Enter or verify DOR (District of Resident) CTDS number.  Remember districts CTDS end in "00".
  • After verifying all fields are correct click on "Format to SAIS".
    • This will create the correctly formatted transaction(014) and place in buffer for submitting to SAIS.
    • The date formatted will be displayed and the box checked.
    • Later, after submitting, the response from SAIS will be displayed in "ADE Response".  Normally this will be "Record processed successfully" but when appropriate will display an error message from ADE.
    • The "View Transaction Status" button will tell you where the transaction is in the ADE submission cycle.  It will also give details of any errors returned from SAIS.
  • There are several Help documents available from this form:
    • "View SPED Svr Help" will open up this document from the web.
    • "Help Exit Reason" will pop up a window with the complex rules for selecting the correct exit reason.
    • Beginning in FY 2008 the rules for selecting the correct Service have become more complicated.  In order to help the user the rules will be posted in this document or possibly later will be added as a pop up window.  Also review the FY 2008 Changes document from ADE-

Changing Elements

The following elements may be changed using this transaction with a "change" operation.

SPED Exit Date

SPED Exit Reason Code

SPED Special Enrollment Code

SPED Grade

Funded SPED Service DOR

SPED Federal Primary Indicator

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Year End SPED Exit Codes Allowed

Starting in FY 2009 all need services must be terminated.  If the student finishes the year while receiving a SPED service the appropriate SPED Exit codes are shown in the table to the left.  Click on the table to enlarge. 

Note the allowable Exit Codes depends on the Year End code for a student.

Withdrawal SPED Exit Codes Allowed

Starting in FY 2009 all need services must be terminated.  If the student withdraws mid-year from school, in addition the Membership Withdraw transaction, you must send a SPED withdrawal to SAIS.  The codes that are allowed are listed in the table to the left.

Note the allowable Exit Codes depends on the Membership Withdraw code.


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New 2007 SPED Federal Primary Need Indicator

-  This indicator is included in SPED Service Participation transaction (014) and must be designated each year. 

Definition - If the student is found eligible in one or more SPED disability category - the disability category that has the greatest adverse impact on the students’ ability to access and progress through the general curriculum is identified as the student’s Federal Primary Need. This information should be found in the current multidisciplinary evaluation team report.

Federal Primary Indicator will not be state funding related. It is specifically needed to provide federally required data submissions. The highest state weighted need will not necessarily be the Primary Need.

The Federal Primary Indicator should be determined by the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP), which is not captured in SAIS.

The collection of SPED Service Participation data is mandated per Federal regulations (34 CFR 300.641).

Table 1 Need groups, Needs, and Programs/Services
Need group  Need (used to be called need category or need type)  Programs/Services  Funded by
language  English Language Learner – ELL (changed in legislation
in 2002 from Limited English Proficiency – LEP)
language programs  federal titles
state aid

the 18 disability categories (as of 7/1/1999: Autism, Emotional
Disability, Emotional Disability Separate Facility/Private, Hearing
Impairment, Multiple Disabilities, MD Severe Sensory Impairment, Mild
Mental Retardation, Moderate Mental Retardation, Other Health
Impairments, Orthopedic Impairment, Preschool-Moderate Delay,
Preschool-Severe Delay, Preschool-Speech/Language Delay, Specific
Learning Disability, Speech/Language Impairment, Severe Mental
Retardation, Traumatic Brain Injury, Visual Impairment)
special education
services (used to be
called "service
federal titles
state aid
giftedness quantitative (math), verbal (language) , non-verbal
support programs federal titles,
state block
economic free lunch, reduced lunch; homeless, migrant agriculture
employment,, immigrant, neglected, refugee

behavioral delinquent
health homebound support programs state aid
academic math, language arts (reading and/or writing), science,
school improvement, social studies, other academic
support programs  federal titles
To obtain the latest specifications see ADE publication "Transaction Overview"  Last update 11-30-2006  

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FY 2008 Changes for SPED

The SPED Service Code Changes

FY2008 SPED Exit Reason Codes

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