Access Report Wizard




Estudiante Student Tracking Software

SPED Exit by Batch




  Rtn FAQ


 Microsoft Access report writer ad-hoc report generator Overview

NEW: Starting FY 2009 all SPED services must be exited.  Schools must submit a SPED Service Participation transaction(14) with  an exit reason code and withdrawal date.  Previously SPED students were not required to be withdrawn from service participation.


This is a method of entering SPED in a batch mode.  You will normally use this form at end of year to terminate SPED services that were being provided through the end of the school year.  For normal administration of SPED for SAIS see "Help for SPED Services Participation".


In the following instructions click on the screenshot images for expanded views of the screenshots.

To start go to Main Menu/Needs and Services/SPED Exit for End of Year and double click.

Use the form shown to the left  to Exit all students who are receiving SPED services at the end of the school year   When the form first opens it will show the list of SPED service students as of the last time the form was opened (i.e. it remembers).  The list box to the right side of the form will contain students.

  1. Select the calendar for the current year.  This will populate the list box with students who have received SPED services during the year. 
  2. If a student has service that has not been exited the "Exit" column with say "No Exit".  These are students you will select by clicking on their name.  You can select multiple students by holding down the control key while right clicking on the name.
  3. Click on "Add SPED Exit Transaction".  This will create a transaction (14) for all selected students and format the record  for SAIS.
    1. After refreshing the form (re-select the calendar will do it) you will see the new records in the list box.  There will be an exit date (last day of school). The transaction status will say "New Record Not Sent Yet".  The objective is to have one of these records for any student who did not previously have an exit date.
    2. Click on "Go Write File"  will show these new records in the SAIS output buffer waiting to be sent to SAIS.
    3. After processing by SAIS if you return to this form you will see the transaction status has been changed to "Record processed successfully".


Year End SPED Exit Codes Allowed

Starting in FY 2009 all need services must be terminated.  If the student finishes the year while receiving a SPED service the appropriate SPED Exit codes are shown in the table to the left.  Click on the table to enlarge. 

Note the allowable Exit Codes depends on the Year End code for a student.


Withdrawal SPED Exit Codes Allowed

Starting in FY 2009 all need services must be terminated.  If the student withdraws mid-year from school, in addition the Membership Withdraw transaction, you must send a SPED withdrawal to SAIS.  The codes that are allowed are listed in the table to the left.

Note the allowable Exit Codes depends on the Membership Withdraw code.



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