Access Report Wizard




Estudiante Student Tracking Software

Submitting Year End Transactions

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In the following instructions click on the screenshot images for expanded views of the screenshots.

To start go to main menu/Student Information

Double click on "Year End Status Transactions"

The form on the left offers two methods of working with Year End Status transactions
  1. "Year End by Student" allows user to Add, Edit or Delete transaction for a single student at a time.
  2. "Year End by Batch" will create, format and submit Year End Status transactions for multiple students at a time. This method, because it is faster, will normally be used for the initial submissions while the "by Student" method would only be used to correct any rejected transactions.

By Individual Student

Note: This method will generally be used for editing transaction that were created using the "Batch" method.

The Year End Status transaction has 3 arguments: StudentID, YearEnd code, and the first date of the Membership that student finished year under.

  1. Select a student.
  2. Select the correct Year End Code in the dropdown. See YE Codes
  3. Select the "First Date" from the dropdown just below the student name. The drop down may contain more than one date.  Always select the latest date for the current fiscal year.
  4. Select the action you want preformed on the SAIS database.  Clicking on one of these buttons will create the appropriate transaction which will show up in the List below.
    • "Add New Transaction" Use Add the first time transaction is submitted for the current year.
    • "Change to Transaction"  Use this when you have used the wrong year end code and want to correct the value in the SAIS database.
    • "Delete SAIS Transaction" Use when you want to remove a previously submitted transaction from the SAIS database.  Note you cannot modify the "First Date" so delete the original transaction and Add a corrected Year End Status.

  5. Find the transaction you created in the list of transactions located a little lower on the form.  Click on "Format SAIS". The transaction will be formatted and placed in the output buffer ready for sending to SAIS.
    • To view the formatted transaction click on "GoTo Make File"

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  Year End Codes

By Batch

This method allows user to submit students grouped together by common Year End Codes.  This approach should be must less tedious than the "by Student" method.

  1. "Select Calendar (Last Day of School)".  This will determine the last date of school year and populate the list box with the students that were enrolled on that date.
  2.  "Select students from list" i.e. select all students with a common Year End Code.  For example select all students that are to be "Promoted"
    • Hold down the shift key to select consecutive records.
    • Hold down the Cntr key to select an individual record.
    • "Select All".  It may be easier to select all record in the list and then de-select individual records.
  3. Select Year End Code for the students selected above.
  4. "Select Op Code" This will normally be Add, but can be Change or Delete.
  5. "Process" Click to create and format transactions for students select in the list box.
  6. "Goto Make File" to view the newly created Year End transactions.

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