Access Report Wizard




Estudiante Student Tracking Software

Support Program Participation(015)


  Rtn FAQ


Microsoft Access report writer ad-hoc report generator Table of Content

 Microsoft Access report writer ad-hoc report generator Overview

This transaction (Support Program Participation) applies to needs in all need groups other than language and special education. (See Table 1 for relevant
.) The Support Program Participation transaction is the source of automated federal titles and state block grants
reports. It is used to submit participation in only those programs listed in the Support Programs table in the Code Values
document.  See Program/Services in Table 1 below.

       Need / Support Program Participation relationship

  1. Initial placement in a Program. The LEA submits an "add" operation to submit Program entry to SAIS.
    • If the Need specified in the transaction has not already been established in SAIS, SAIS will create one automatically.
  2. Deleting a Support Program Participation.
    • The LEA submits a "delete" operation to remove the Program Participation submitted in error.
    • If there are no other Programs attached to this

Warning: There is no Change transaction allowed for Support Program Participation


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In the following instructions click on the screenshot images for expanded views of the screenshots.

To start go to main menu/Needs

Double click on "Support Program Participation (015)"

The form on the left is used for entering Support Program Participation Transaction (015)

• The Support transaction is designed to capture data concerning services for needs other than Language and SPED.

  1. Click "Show New Record" to get a new/blank record
  2. Select Calender
  3. Op Code.  May be (A)dd or (D)elete. (C)hange is NOT allow.
  4. Select Need from dropdown.
  5. Select Support Service from dropdown.
  6. Select the start date for the service.

After data is entered click on Save button.  This will create a (015) transactions that will appear in the lower window.

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Formatting the transaction for SAIS. In the lower window locate the row containing the transaction created in first step above. 
  1. Click on "Format to SAIS".  This will format the transaction in format required by SAIS.
    • Notice that the Formatted? check box is set and a formatted date is visible.
  2. To view the transaction click on "Go Write File" (not shown in image, but located located in the header of the form).  This will list the transaction in the buffer waiting for submission to SAIS.
  3. "View Tran Status" will show the progress of this transaction as it is submitted to SAIS and after the status is returned.

The Support Service Participation transaction has many aspects.  As an aid to the user; the details of the services and needs supported are shown in a pop-up form
  • Click on "Help-View Service Detail" located in the header of the form
  • The pop-up window is shown to the left
    • Select a service in the left list box
    • Needs associated with that service are shown on the right

For the user's convience a list of "School Days" is provided

  • Click on "Select Calendar"


Table 1 Need groups, Needs, and Programs/Services
Need group  Need (used to be called need category or need type)  Programs/Services  Funded by
language  English Language Learner – ELL (changed in legislation
in 2002 from Limited English Proficiency – LEP)
language programs  federal titles
state aid

the 18 disability categories (as of 7/1/1999: Autism, Emotional
Disability, Emotional Disability Separate Facility/Private, Hearing
Impairment, Multiple Disabilities, MD Severe Sensory Impairment, Mild
Mental Retardation, Moderate Mental Retardation, Other Health
Impairments, Orthopedic Impairment, Preschool-Moderate Delay,
Preschool-Severe Delay, Preschool-Speech/Language Delay, Specific
Learning Disability, Speech/Language Impairment, Severe Mental
Retardation, Traumatic Brain Injury, Visual Impairment)
special education
services (used to be
called "service
federal titles
state aid
giftedness quantitative (math), verbal (language) , non-verbal
support programs federal titles,
state block
economic free lunch, reduced lunch; homeless, migrant agriculture
employment,, immigrant, neglected, refugee

behavioral delinquent
health homebound support programs state aid
academic math, language arts (reading and/or writing), science,
school improvement, social studies, other academic
support programs  federal titles
To obtain the latest specifications see ADE publication "Transaction Overview"  Last update 11-30-2006  

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File last revised 6-22-2007