There are many student management things you will do with
Estudainte, so many options in fact, you may need help isolating the one
function (or piece of help) you need. The Search button will help you
quickly get to the application or help information you need.

In the following instructions
click on the screenshot images for
expanded views of the screenshots.
To start the search for topics in

Click to enlarge. |
Click on the screen dumps to left to
view two examples of how to use Search to find information
on a topic. In these cases the user is exploring
"Absence" and "Enrollment".
- Enter search text and click on"Find
It". To use shortcut use Alt-F.
- The search results will be listed
- Menu Text is the from the main
- hasScreen yes or no whether has a
screen in Estudiante.
- Click on text will show details
in lower list box for your review.
- Double click will open the
Estudiante application.
- When available a link to Help for
this subject will be shown. Click on button for

File last revised 7-9-2007