Ad Hoc Report Wizard is a
companion application to Estudiante Student
Management Software.
You run the Wizard from within
The file name is CD_AdHocRpts.mdb
The file must be stored in the
same folder as Estudiante file (CD_StudentS.mde).
C:\Estudiante\ folder.
The icon file must also be stored
in Estudiante folder. File name is
Updates will be stored on the
CharterData FTP site for downloading and installing
to your C drive.
In the following instructions
click on the images for larger views of the
Ad Hoc
Report Wizard screenshots.
Use Estudiante to open the CharterData
FTP web site
From main menu select
Administration/New Version Download
Click on "Open CharterData FTP
Internet explorer will display the
contents of the CharterData FTP site. Click on the image to
the left for larger view.
In the right hand list open
folder "AdHocReport"
The two files of interest are
"CD_AdHocRpts.mdb" and "AdHocWizard.gif"
Copy (or drag and drop) these to
file to the Estudiante folder on your C drive
To view the C drive click on
"Folders" in the menu.
Select C drive in the left
list box, then make sure the Estudiante folder is
Drag and drop the two files
from the right list to the Estudainte folder in the
left list.
Close Internet Explorer
From Estudiante Main Menu open Ad Hoc
Reports/Ad Hoc Report Wizard. The wizard will open in
a new window.
From the menu select "Administration"
From the menu select "Attachment Manager"
This screen is similar to the Attachment
Manager in Estudiante in that it attaches Ad Hoc Report
Wizard to your school database. The operation is
slightly different in that it simply copys the attachments
from Estudiante (given that you have already made the
connections from Estudiante).
In the "Browse to Frontend
Database" dropdown locate Estudiante (file name will
usually be "CD_StudentS.mde")
Click on "Copy Links From Master"
It will take approx 60 seconds to
complete the procedure.
You will be able to view the
database table connections in the "Attachment Link List"
tab section.
You can print a list of the
attachment connections by clicking on "Print Attachment
List" in the upper portion of form.
There will be only two situations
where you need to run this attachment procedure:
When you have changed the
location of the Estudiante file
After CharterData has added new
tables to Estudiante you will need to run this precedure
to pickup the new tables.
Finally, close out "Attachment Mgr" and
return to the Ad Hoc Report main menu.