CharterData - Estudiante Knowledge Base


August 26, 2002


Subject: How to work with SAIS Returned Status


One of the features of Estudiante is that the ADE/SAIS responses to your file and transaction submissions are integrated into the local database at the points where they will be most useful in managing the ADE/SAIS interaction.


The SAIS submission process is

·         Step 1 Select the transactions you want to submit and "make a file".

·         Step 2  The uploading of a file containing your transactions (instructions to the SAIS database),

·         Step 3  followed by retrieval of SAIS response to your submissions, and in some cases the correction/resubmission of a transaction

·         A 4th implied step is to work with the SAIS responses


  There are 2 levels of responses from SAIS:


1.       File Response

·         The file fails to upload because of an uploading difficulty.  This does not happen very often but can happened when either you have no connection to the internet or the ADE Student Detail Interaction application is temporarily down.  Estudiante will notify you that the file was successfully uploaded or will indicate that  a problem was encountered.  This happens during Estudiante Step 2.

·         The "file" response that is generated by SAIS.  Your file will be inspected to verify that the file submission rules have been followed.  Typical responses are

·         File processed successfully

·         File rejected due validation error

·         File processed with errors

2.       Transaction Response.  These are responses to the individual transactions.  Again there are two types of responses

·         SAIS ID's.  When a new ID is generated for a student as a result of an enrollment the ID will be returned.  Estudiante will retrieve this ID and automatically place it in the student's record.

·         Individual transaction status.

·         Transaction processed successfully

·         Failed transaction, with the reason for the failure.


The objective of this paper is to show you where these response in Estudiante and how you can utilize the responses to manage your SAIS submissions.






Copyright CharterData Corp 2002 all rights reserved.

File name: ReturnedStatusDetailsA1.htm