CharterData - Estudiante Knowledge Base


August 6, 2003



Subject: Setting up multiple school using single CTDS number



  1. You have multiple school locations, each having there own calendar and courses.
  2. You plan to submit to SAIS using a single CTDS number


Setup Procedure:


  1. Using the ADE Common Logon set up the calendars that you will need.
    1.  Note: ADE identifies calendars by TrackNo which is equivalent to CalendarID in Estudiante.
    2. ADE allows up to 4 calendars per CTDS
  2. Set up the equivalent calendars in Estudiante.
    1. Estudiante calendar will ask for the equivalent SAIS_TrackNo


Estudiante Tracks

  1. For each of  the Estudiante calendars set  up all of the needed tracks.
    1. Tracks define several key parameters, including CalendarID, FiscalYr, AttendMethod and Minimum Instruction per day.
    2. The number of tracks you define will depend on the unique groups of the above parameters.

                                                               i.      For example an elementary school may define one track for each grade level

                                                              ii.      To reduce the number of tracks this school might combine the grade levels that share the same Minimum Instruction per Day.

  1. Note:  Enrolling students is base on these defined tracks.  This allows Estudiante to use the correct calendar when verifying dates and to submit the correct TrackNo with all SAIS submissions.



Terms are set up as usual, but you may need to define additional terms for each calendar where the school years do not coincide.

Courses and Rosters


There is no difference in the way you setup courses and rosters.



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File name: KB5779-SingleCTDS2Schools.doc