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Subject: KB3930-Setting up courses for new year


Originally you would just change previous years classes to new year by changing the date and doing a new roster.  At the request of some of the schools Estudiante has been changed so that you enter new courses each year and leave the previous years classes in the database for history.


  • "Class Names": This is a standard set of names to be used as course names.
  • "Course": Is a specific instance of "Class Name". A course uses a "Class Name" and adds specifics such as dates, credits and instructors.
  • "Term": Defines a period of time which is the interval that the course will be taken.  It will also define a grading period.

School Setup

Under Main Menu/User Definitions add new year information for the following items:

1.    Setup the Calendar and School Days.  You must have previously setup your calendar for SAIS through the ADE Common Logon. Starting with FY 2004 Estudiante calendar will include the field "TrackNo-SAIS", which is the TrackNo you assigned to your school calendar on the Common Logon.

2.    Define the Tracks for the new year.  This will include the calendar to be used for this track(which implies the SAIS TrackNo).  You also define your method of taking attendance plus the "minimum instructions per day".

3.    Set the "Term" dates.  Add a short description that reflects the year and term.  It needs to be both informative and short as it appears on several forms and reports.

4.    Enter data for any new instructors.  Do not delete old instructors.  Enter an "End Date" to hide instructors who are no longer at your school.

5.    Make sure categories and requirements have not changed.  These requirements will be used by Courses and printed on transcripts.

6.    "Class Names" are used as the names for courses.  Add any new "Class Names" if you are adding new classes for the new year.  Do not delete any of the old class names.  You can change these names, but the modified name will appear on all reports and forms.

7.    Check the remaining User Definitions to verify that they reflect the correct information.

Courses and Rosters

Under Main Menu/Courses you will define the new courses for the new year. After that you will add students to the rosters.

1.    Under Course Description you will add all courses you will be offering for the coming term.  Do not delete or change any previous courses as these contain your historical information. You can copy/paste courses from the previous term to save re-entering each course. It is important to select the correct Term for the new year as you have defined above. Make changes to instructor and etc.

2.    There are 2 ways to add students to the roster of the defined courses

·         Class Rosters options will allow you to select the course and then add the names of the students.  There is a "Status" filter at the top of the form that will allow you to define "Current", "Withdrawn" or "Both" to show in the roster. This filter also determines the students that are available for selection in the drop down.

·         Student Schedule options allows you to select a student and then select the courses to enroll the student in.  Note: The count of the student already enrolled in the class is tabulated and shown so you will be able to balance the course roster count.



That’s all there is to it.  You are ready to start teaching.





Copyright CharterData Corp 2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007 all rights reserved.

File name: KB3930-CourseSetup.doc