Access Report Wizard




Estudiante Student Tracking Software

Backing Up Estudiante Data

  Rtn FAQ


 Microsoft Access report writer ad-hoc report generator Overview

It is extremely important that your data be backed up frequently.  Your schools data is valuable and losing it can be a traumatic event, considering the amount of time spent entering data and the agony of restoring if you have not made a recent backup.


In the following instructions click on the images for larger views of the Ad Hoc Report Wizard screenshots.

  Reasons for backing up
  • Hard drive failure.  All of your data is stored on a hard drive on your computer or somewhere on your network and when the hard drive fails you may lose all of the data you have entered.  In this case you can restore the data as it appeared on your latest backup copy.  See Restoring data
  • Data entry failure.
    • Accidental deletion of data.  In this case you may want to restore only the data that was accidentally deleted.  This can be a complex procedure and you probably will want to contact CharterData before attempting.
    • This would be rare, but if incorrect data was entered and you decide it would be easier to restore an old copy than to edit the incorrect data.


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  What files to backup?
  • Backup your data file.  Generally the file name will be "CD_be_DataS.mdb".  This file contains all of your data and needs to be protected.
    • For network installations this file will be located on a server in a folder that is usually named "Estudiante" or "EstudianteData".
    • Non network installations.  This file will be located in the Estudiante folder on your C drive
  • The security file (SecureFE.mdw) should be backed up anytime the administrator has changed security settings e.g. added a new user or changed the permissions for an existing user.  To be safe back up along with the data file.  This file is located in the same folder as the data file.
  • The front end file "CD_StudentS.mde" needs to be backed up only once.  This is what is called the "front end" and contains windows screens and code.  This file gets overwritten with each new version of the application.
    • For network installation the master copy is usually store on a server in folder with path .../EstudianteData/Workstation.
    • Folders on local C drive (Documents and Knowledgebase) contain documentation and are part of the installation.  You may want to keep a copy somewhere, but no need to backup.
  • Folders "Submit", "SAIS_ID_Return",and "Status_Return" are temporary folders that are used when exchanging data with the internet.  They are always in the same folder as the data file.  These do not need to be backed up because of the data, but it would be helpful to save a copy simply to restore the folder names.
  • Window files.


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  Backup Strategy

Your data must be backed up to a non-volatile device so that data will not be lost in case you have a "hard disk crash".  This can be a hard drive somewhere on the network other than where the working data is stored.  Another approach is to back up to a Read/Write CD drive located on local computer or preferably on your server.

Windows has a backup application (Accessories/System Tools/Backup) that will allow you to schedule your backup.

We recommend that backup be done daily (any day that you have modified your data).  If you are making large database changes w/in a day you may decide to backup multiple times per day.  You should add date/time to the file names and save for 30 days.

We also recommend that you keep a monthly backup for a period of a year i.e. Jan, Feb, March, etc.  This is in addition to the daily backups.

  Restoring from backed up file

Copy the backed up file from backup drive into the location where data file is normally stored.  It may be necessary to remove any backup information that was added to the file name.  For example rename CD_be_DataS2004.02.18.mdb to CD_be_DataS.mdb.

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