Attendance by
Roster Report Instructions |

The purpose of this report is to present
attendance data in a format that is similar to how a
teacher might track attendance in a grade
- The report can be organized in two ways.
- It is useful feedback to the teacher for verification that
attendance data has been entered into Estudiante correctly.
- When signed by teacher the Group by Date report provides a paper
record for use by auditors.
In the following instructions
click on the screenshot images for
expanded views of the screenshots.
This report is located on the Main Menu/Attendance and Absence.
- Click on "Help with - Attendance by Roster Report" to view
instructions (this document).
- Double click on the menu item "Attendance by Roster Report" to
Select the report parameters.
- Select Calendar.
- Optitionally "Select Term". Limits report to specific
term/semester/quarter that you have defined under User Definitions.
- Optionally "Select Course". Limits report to specific
- Select "Date Range". Take advantage of the date
select feature
- Set focus to date textbox i.e. click in textbox.
- Click on any date in the List of School Days
- The selected date will be placed in the textbox with the
- Select student "Status"
- "Both" is the default. Will include students who are
still enrolled and those who have withdrawn from your school.
- Enrolled
- Withdrawn
Click on "Preview Report" Option
- By Student will group attendance by student name
- By Date will group attendance by date i.e. all students on
roster for specified date.
Sample report- Attendance grouped by Student Name
Click on the screenshot images for
expanded views of the screenshots |
Sample report- Attendance grouped by Date of Attendance
Click on the screenshot images for
expanded views of the screenshots