Access Report Wizard




Estudiante Student Tracking Software

DOR Transfer Changing


  Rtn FAQ


 Microsoft Access report writer ad-hoc report generator Overview

These are instructions to modify the Funded DOR for a student.  The Funded DOR can be incorrect when the school forgets to register Estudiante after a new version update.  In this case the enrollment transaction will have an incorrect CTDS number and your funding may possibly go to some other school.  This problem will not show up until you run the 72 report (it will not show up as failed transaction when you submit enrollment), so you should check your 72 report early. The solution is to submit a transaction to change the Funded DOR.  This will correct the ADE records so funding will be credoted to your school.

To obtain the latest specifications see ADE publication "Transaction Overview" 


In the following instructions click on the screenshot images for expanded views of the screenshots.

Start with the "DOR Transfer" form.  (Main Menu/Student Information/ DOR Transfer Transaction.)  A screen shot of this screen is shown below.
  1. Before starting be sure your copy of Estudiante is registered to your school.
  2. Start by selecting Year from the dropdown (or type it in).
  3. Select the student record to be modified
  4. Start a new record in the bottom row showing under "DOR Transfer Transaction"
  5. Set OpCode to "C" for change.
  6. Under "Old DOR" correct (if necessary) to the correct CTDS
  7. Under "Old Start Date" enter the first day of enrollment.  You will find this in lower part of window under "Membership". This date must match the date of enrollment exactly to be able to use a Change OpCode.
  8. "Old End Date" will be blank or if the student has withdrawn, enter the withdraw date.  You will find this date in lower part of the screen under "Membership".
  9. Select the correct Calendar ID (this will send the correct Track No to SAIS)
  10. Click on "SAIS Format and Save" to create the (007) transaction.
  11. Click on "GoToStep1" and submit to SAIS.